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Business / Equity

Despite being the most common valuation subject, businesses or equity interests in a company is difficult to value for a non-professional. It usually involves a combination of industry knowledge and valuation technique. For instance, if the subject is a startup company with a complex capital structure (e.g. different tranches of convertible preference shares, convertible bonds, employees' share options, etc.), its valuation requires a thorough understanding of how the financial instruments interact with the value of the business. With their exposure to valuation profession and commercial languages, our valuation specialists can communicate the values of businesses in a precise, yet concise, term to our clients so they can fully appreciate the values of their businesses and make their informed decisions.


Intangible Assets

With the fast-changing technological advancements, the business world has realized the essential roles of intangible assets. Intangible assets, such as technical know-how, brand names, and patents, underpin most of the values of growing tech start-ups. Therefore, intangible assets play an important role in various commercial dispute, negotiations, and transactions. Yet intangible assets are difficult to quantify due to their diverse and intangible natures.


Common intangible assets include trademarks, copyright, patents, licences, customer relationships and proprietary technological know-how. Of course, in the future, the list will be extended to cover Cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The valuation techniques for different intangible assets vary based on the assets' natures and economic substance. With professional experience and appropriate analytics tools, our valuation specialists have advised our clients in various projects, making sure that the intangible assets are valued on a supportable ground and the clients’ purposes are achieved.


Land and Property

Land and property appraisals are common in transactions, financial reporting and asset separation or as a part of a business valuation.


The new accounting standards have introduced a new angle to account for lease contracts, and property is an asset that is commonly under a lease arrangement. Our service can assist you in fulfilling this new requirement without hassles.


Plant and Machinery

Various companies in the PRC are engaged in the manufacturing industry, plant and machinery account for a significant portion of the value of those businesses. Plant and machinery appraisals are therefore very common in transactions involving PRC companies. In addition, the values of plant and machinery are required to be assessed for financial reporting.


Our valuation specialists and partners have assisted our clients in valuations of their plant and machinery to achieve their commercial goals.

Financial Instrument

Nowadays, financial instruments and structured products are commonly used by companies to align the interests of different stakeholders. For instance, tech start-ups commonly carry out rounds of fundraising and issue a lot of convertible instruments, listed companies issue employee share options to their staff and external advisors, purchasers in acquisitions may ask the vendors to provide profit / financial guarantees. Our specialists have participated in various projects involving financial instruments and possess thorough understanding in handling tailor-made financial instruments. 


Common examples of the financial instruments:
- Employee share options
- Call/put options
- Convertible bonds
- Financial / profit guarantees
- Interest rate or currency derivatives

Biological Asset

The accounting treatment for biological assets is complicated. In addition, the value of biological assets is changing over their life cycles. Businesses and transactions involving these assets likely require some external supports. Our specialists together with our technical experts have extensive experience in the valuations of different types of biological assets, for example:


- Plantation

- Forestry
- Poultry
- Fishery

Mineral Asset

Mineral asset valuations involve specific knowledge in the subject resources. Thanks to our global network, our specialists offer comprehensive valuation services for different mineral assets. Mineral companies may require to assess the value of their mineral assets from time to time for different purposes, for instance impairment testing, auditing and transactions.


Common mineral asset valuation standards, including:
- CIMVal


Depending on the requirements of our clients, we can deliver valuation reports in compliance with these global valuation codes with the support of the mineral experts from our global network.

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